Art for Ukraine
I am saddened and horrified by what’s unfolding in Ukraine on a daily basis. I’d like to do what I can to support humanitarian efforts as best as possible.
My painting, Where and When, was recently sold with all proceeds donated to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. I was also able to get my donation of £150 match funded to equal a total of £300 donated.
Where and When, SOLD
I also have another piece, Reality, up for auction with Chalkwell Auctions on Tuesday 29 March. Please consider bidding to raise money for an important cause and gain some beautiful art in the process. Find out more here.
Reality, up for auction to raise money for Ukraine
It is amazing seeing so many artists come together to do what we can to support the Ukrainian people during these horrific times. Please consider purchasing a piece of art or donating to the British Red Cross or any other reputable organisation.